Net-Zero Buildings

By definition, net-zero or zero-energy buildings are structures that generate all of the energy required for their operation onsite. However, this is practically impossible to achieve. It is commonly accepted that zero-energy buildings are those which are so intelligently designed and operated that the energy that is consumed in the building is much lesser than any common building. Additionally, the energy supplied to net-zero buildings comes from renewable energy sources which may be located within the building or offsite. These responsible practices add to architecture consciousness by reducing carbon emission and greenhouse gases.

Are there Net-Zero buildings in India?

The Indira Paryavaran Bhavan in New Delhi was India’s first net-zero building.

In September 2019, ICICI Bank inaugurated India’s first IBGC – Platinum rated Net Zero Energy building in Jodhpur. Sixth Energy’s contribution towards this effort was providing them with an Energy management solution that achieved their aspirations of Zero-Energy. ICICI acknowledged our contribution and facilitated us with an award for our efforts.

What does Sixth Energy’s solution do?

Sixth Energy’s specialized solution helps save energy costs in a building using a superior energy management system. The world is now aware of how much energy goes wasted even in buildings and explores ways to cut down on energy spend and save costs too.

Our solution comprises various smart wireless sensors, IoT Enabled Wireless Sensors controllers, and intelligently devised logic to optimize energy usage. A combination of smart sensors and IoT technology helps in improving environment and security, while reducing energy consumption. The environmental sensors (temperature and humidity) minimize energy loss within the confines of buildings, no matter the weather and climatic conditions.

Our advanced algorithms involve CV- and AI-supporting equipment and devices through a network of sensors and controls that communicate in real-time to the user, directly helping in immediate intelligence leading to proactive action. Our solutions extend to cloud-based software and real-time data analytics, backed with energy management and control systems, incorporating heating, cooling (Precision ACs), lighting, smoke detection, humidity, motion sensing, and other environmental parameters.

The comprehensive package of software, service, sensor, and related equipment with data analysis and support in real-time with proactive insights delivered to the building owner’s mobile is a promising means towards establishing a net-zero building.

Our remote monitoring solution can reduce energy usage by nearly 30% by intelligently controlling – lighting, chilling, heating, and security. The excellence of performance of Sixth Energy’s intricate IoT-based energy management system banks on the precision and perfection of the sensors which furnish data to the system which enables the user to make informed decisions that benefit energy optimization.

Energy Consumption Monitoring

Leverage the combination of intelligent algorithms and smart sensors to estimate the occupancy of buildings, and adjust lights, humidity, and cooling accordingly. Manage the entire building(s) through our cloud-based technology and reduce environmental risks while increasing the comfort and productivity of users.

Identify and eliminate health risks by monitoring parameters such as temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide levels, etc., proactively.

Automation And Analytics

Leverage the most comprehensive AI-, ML-, and statistical-based analytical engine to identify the effects of failures, and predict and prevent them to ensure business continuity.

Deliver additional value by analyzing data to identify trends, and automate routine tasks such as controlling luminosity and temperature levels.

Backed by data, proactively implement measures for sustainable infrastructure; make other improvements to enable users to make informed decisions.

Safety And Security Monitoring

Ensure world-class security with real-time notifications and alerts coming from AI-enabled Programmable Cameras and sensors.

With sustained, high-fidelity, and high-quality data, minimize risks from intrusion, fire breakout, and other unforeseen threats.

Set up automated alerts to be sent to multiple receivers such as occupants, emergency services, building facilities managers, etc., to ensure a timely response.

The Sixth Energy Edge

Our smart buildings management solution provides real-time information to empower citizens to make informed decisions to optimize energy demand, reduce pollution, and improve overall quality of life, along with other advantages.

Early fire detection alarms and notifications

Configure and connect multiple sensors

One APP for configuration and monitoring

Threat detection through Computer Vision

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